Financial Wellness Library
Build your financial literacy & capability. Check out some curated educational content organized by our Mind Over Money Financial Capability Areas.
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Mind Over Money (Stanford Financial Wellness) helps students develop financial literacy and understand the importance of financial wellness by providing general information for educational purposes only. This information is not a substitute for the advice of a qualified legal, investment, financial, or tax advisor, who may determine that your individual circumstances require an approach that differs from the general information provided by Mind Over Money (Stanford Financial Wellness). If you need advice applicable to your own financial or tax situation, please consult with a qualified advisor.
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Links to third-party resources are provided as a convenience for informational purposes. Neither the university nor Mind Over Money (Stanford Financial Wellness) endorses or approves any of the products, services or opinions of the entities or individuals associated with these links. The university and Mind Over Money (Stanford Financial Wellness) bear no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, currentness or content of any external site associated with the links provided.